Hey there, I’m Hailey
I’m a first time mom to my beautiful daughter and wife to my amazing husband, Jeff. We have two hilarious huskies, Tokyo and Kikyo. I have been working in outdoor education for the past 13 years with an incredible organization that inspires kids to be curious about and appreciate nature. I love teaching little ones about the world around us, and hope to share my knowledge with you.
Over the past two years as a new mom, I’ve laughed, I’ve cried, I’ve struggled, and I’ve had to learn a whole heck of a lot about my new role as a mom. I struggled with severe postpartum anxiety in those early months, and to this day I still find some things challenging. I just had to tell myself that things would get better and to keep pushing through.

Here’s my postpartum story…
I remember it like it was yesterday. I had been home from the hospital for 3 days with my new baby girl. Tucked under my left arm like a little football, I went about my day, slowly recovering, but feeling optimistic. This was easy. I got this.
I never saw it coming.
The exhaustion. The excessive worrying. The obsession over her sleep, logging her sleep patterns down to the minute. The panic and fear.
What was happening to me? My physical health declined, as the anxiety went straight to my stomach, and my appetite vanished. I was suffering greatly from postpartum anxiety, and I had no idea how to get better. I was hungry, but I couldn’t eat. I was exhausted, but I couldn’t sleep. I felt my body shutting down on me. I needed help.
This went on for about four months or so.
I’m not sure how exactly I got better. Maybe it was the meds. Maybe it was time, and the support from my family. Or maybe it was because I was finally getting some sleep! I started back to work part time, and that helped as well. By the start of the new year, I started feeling much more like myself.
Until I got COVID.
Before I knew it, i had spiraled right back to where I was before. In some ways, even worse, because the fear of going back to where I was before was just exaggerated it all. But this time, I was determined to do anything and everything I could to get better faster.
And I did. I’m so much happier now, and am absolutely loving being a mom. This is how it should be.
Why Did I Start grace + momentum?
I am building a community of moms who have been through what I have, are currently going through it, or just want the extra love and support from someone who knows all of the challenges, emotions, struggles, and fulfillment that being a mom can bring. Please reach out to me. I’m here, and I see you.
But most importantly, give yourself grace and keep moving forward.

Stay In Touch!
send me an email at hailey@graceandmomentum.com
I’d love to hear from you!